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lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

FIU Event

Base Paint by Jesus Manuel Rojas Torres

Painted tents to be used as "tent classrooms" by established and talented artists such as Edouard Duval Carrie, Jose Bedia, Gean Moreno, Pedro Barbeito, Damian Sarno, Jose Garcia Cordero, Nicolas Leiva, Ruben Millares, Antonia Wright, Leonel Matheu, and Elba Luis Lugo.
The last opportunity to see Base Paint will be at FIU's South Campus during the commemoration of the anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti next week January 10-15.

The Base Paint installations were shown at Epic Green, at FIU's South campus and will head to Haiti in February.

The last opportunity to see Base Paint will be at FIU's South Campus during the commemoration of the anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti next week January 10-15.

The partners for this initiative are Fundacion Manos del Sur, Step by Step Foundation, L'Athletic D'Haiti, Iron Side, FIU, EPIC Residences and Frost Art Museum.

more information: http://whatsupmiami.blogspot.com/2011/01/last-call-to-see-base-paint-tents.html

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